English Language Learner Services
Senatobia Municipal School District adheres strictly to the Guidelines for English Language Learner (ELL) Services set forth by the Mississippi Department of Education in alignment with federal mandates and No Child Left Behind. Students whose registration materials indicate a primary language or dominant home language other than English are assessed with the state-mandated English Language Proficiency Test (ELPT) and are determined to either qualify or not qualify for services provided by the Senatobia Municipal School District’s English Language Learner program. Services include, but are not limited to, development of an ELL Plan, ELL classes, content-intervention, or support, and grade monitoring. Progress is determined by annual administration of the ELPT. Questions concerning the ELL program should be directed to Juanita Jamison at 562-4897.
Accommodations for EL Students
Policy IK – Limited English Proficiency Instruction
Policy JAA – Equal Educational Opportunities
Teachers Working with ELL Students
Home Language Survey - English (Coming soon)
Home Language Survey - Spanish (Coming soon)
Supports for Parents & Guardians of English Learners (Coming soon)